Mark Garcia


Chief of Police (Retired), Redlands Police Department
& Course Instructor

Mark A. Garcia served in law enforcement for 31 years.  Chief Garcia served as the Chief of Police for the City of Redlands for 6 ½ years, retiring in 2018.  Prior to becoming the Redlands Chief of Police, he served San Bernardino Police Department for 24 years ascending to the rank of Assistant Chief of Police. Chief Garcia’s is currently Director of Influence and Development for the National Command and Staff College and serves as Executive Director for the Josephson Institute’s Exemplary Policing Initiative.  Chief Garcia’s passion for character-based leadership development led to starting Blue Virtue Leadership and he has taught hundreds of law enforcement professionals how to develop their leadership capacity, how to build character, how to enhance organizational culture, how to build a Virtue Based Policing structure, how to create organizational ethics programs, Service Oriented Leadership and Strategic and Tactical Decision Making. He has made numerous presentations on leadership, ethics and culture, including the Magnus Leadership Program, Law Enforcement Leadership Symposium, California Police Chiefs Executive Leadership Institute at the Drucker School of Management, California College and University Chiefs of Police Conference, Faith and Justice Summit, University of Redlands and Cal State San Bernardino.