Annual Training Symposium

Palm Springs, CAMay 19-22, 2024


Join us for the 47th Annual Training Symposium (ATS) where California’s police chiefs, their seconds in command and management staff will come together to discuss the most pressing legislative and legal issues; share ideas and insights; build crucial relationships and discover new possibilities. Against the backdrop of the picturesque city of Palm Springs, this gathering serves as a testament to our shared commitment to the theme,
"Together Towards Tomorrow."

This symposium promises an enriching experience, offering not only an opportunity for individuals to broaden their horizons but also to forge lasting connections with like-minded professionals. With a workshop lineup that boasts up to 13 POST CPT credits and the wisdom of 3 exceptional keynote speakers, ATS promises to be a hub of intellectual exploration and professional growth. These credits and workshops are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of law enforcement effectively.

Don’t miss the opportunity to build a more resilient future for yourself and your agency.